Haile Plantation and Newberry Road area neighborhoods
Before looking at Haile Plantation and Newberry Road home sales it would probably be best to define which neighborhoods we’re talking about. In addition to all of the Haile Plantation neighborhoods, here are the other neighborhoods that are part of the Haile Plantation and Newberry Road areas (take a deep breath – there’s quite a few!)
- Abbey Glen
- Avalon
- Balmoral
- Biltmore Estates
- Biltmore
- Buckingham
- Buckingham Forest
- Cambridge Forest
- Cheney Walk Estates
- CobbleField
- Eloise Gardens
- Fairfield Manor
- Fletcher Park
- Forrest Manor
- Fort Clarke Forest
- Garison Way
- Glenwood Estates
- Grande View Estates
- Granite Parke
- Hall Estates
- Hamilton Heights
- Hamilton Pond
- Hampton Ridge
- Hayes Glen
- Jockey Club
- Kenwood
- Kim Sue Estates
- Namora Estates
- Oaklands
- Oakleigh
- Parker Road
- Parkside
- Plantation Estates
- Portofino
- Quail Hollow
- Quarries
- Reserve
- Ridgemont
- Rolling Meadows
- Royal Oak
- Sawbuck
- Shafto Meadows
- Shannon Woods
- Splitrail
- Stillwind
- Sunningdale
- Sunnybrook Estates
- Sunrise
- Sunset Farms
- Sunshine Acres
- The Village at Haile
- Tomoka Hills
- Tower 24
- Town of Tioga
- Valwood
- Weatherstone
- West End Estates
- Westchester Manor
- Westwood
- Wilds Plantation
- Windward Meadows
- Woodlands
Number of Homes Sold

More homes were sold in the Haile and Newberry Road South areas during the first 3 quarters of 2009 when compared to the first 3 quarters of 2010.
Haile Plantation and Newberry Road South Areas Median Sales Price

For the most part, median prices for homes sold in the Haile and Newberry Road areas were higher in 2009 than they were in 2010. The third quarter of 2010 changed that pattern, with median sales prices being higher in 3Q2010 vs 3Q2009. This is mainly due to the sale of several high end homes during the third quarter of this year which skewed the median sales price considerably upward.
Haile Plantation and Newberry Road Areas – Average Days on Market

It’s taking longer to sell homes in 2010 than it did in 2009. Average days on market in 2010 seems to be decreasing. This trend should continue as home sellers price their homes to sell in this market.
Absorption Rate looks at past market performance to estimate how long it will take to sell all of the homes currently in inventory. As of today (October 14, 2010), there are 235 homes for sale in the Haile and Newberry Road South areas. Nineteen (19) homes sold in the Haile and Newberry Road South areas during September 2010. This means that, all things being equal, it would take 12.4 months to sell all the homes currently on the market in these areas.
What this news means for Gainesville home buyers
Huge home selections, soft prices, and interest rates that haven’t been this low since World War II mean that NOW is the time to BUY.
If you are considering a home purchase, your first step is getting preapproved by a local lender, a relatively painless process that can oftentimes be done over the phone.
What this news means for Gainesville home sellers
Having more than a year’s worth of homes on the market means the strategy of “let’s price it high and come down later” is probably NOT the best idea if you want to sell your home in any reasonable time frame. In order to get the most bang for your buck, you need to look NICER than all the other homes in your neighborhood and you need to be priced LESS (or on the lower end) than all the other homes in your neighborhood.
If you are not willing to do this you may want to seriously consider trading in the For Sale sign for a giant lawn Santa. Just saying.