Our house has been on the market for 16 — that’s right, count them — six-frickin-teen — months.
In that time we have dropped the price 100 grand. Zillow says it’s worth almost double what we’re asking for it.

Two-story colonial, slate roof, gorgeous sunroom w/pergola, looking out over private golf course. On an acre. Wild turkeys and deer and groundhogs are frequent visitors.
So you’d think we’d have an offer by now.
Well, you’d be thinking wrong.
Because, like many areas in the country, Pittsburgh PA has more homes for sale than buyers to buy them.
So you can imagine our excitement when we had a second showing last week.
Apparently the buyers had narrowed their choice down to two houses….ours being one of them.
So we waited with bated breath and high hopes that, finally, after MANY false alarms and dashed hopes, THIS could be our moment!
And then we heard back from the agent.
Mrs. Buyer got stung by a wasp during the second showing of our house. Apparently a large contingent of wasps had built their new, HUGE home on the back of our house.

Way to get in a buyer’s good graces, eh?
Which is when I started fervently praying that perhaps, if God was feeling merciful, the buyers would discover a nest of rattlers at the other house, because then we would win.
We didn’t.
Isn’t that just the most WONDERFUL story EVER??
Just had to share my joy.
Carry on.