Haile Plantation Real Estate Market Report

This Haile Plantation real estate market covers January through May 2010. For the purposes of comparison, these numbers are viewed up against last year’s performance.

New Listings

This New Listings chart shows the amount of Haile Plantation homes coming onto the market each month.

Housing data derived from Gainesville MLS for time periods noted

Homes Sold

So far this year, more homes have sold in Haile Plantation than they did this time last year. The homebuyer tax credit helped to boost sales this year.

Average Days on Market

This Average Days on Market chart indicates that it is taking longer to sell homes in Haile Plantation in 2010 than it did in 2009.

Housing data derived from the Gainesville MLS for the time periods noted

Median Sale Price

This Median Sale Price chart (below) shows that more Haile Plantation homes are selling this year but they are selling for less than they did last year.

Haile Plantation median sale price January through May 2010
Housing data derived from the Gainesville MLS for the time periods noted

Advice for Home Sellers

The GOOD news is more homes are selling in Haile Plantation in 2010 than they did in 2009. The BAD news is that the homes that are selling are selling for less than they did last year.

If you need to sell your Haile Plantation home, make sure that you base your listing price on what has SOLD in Haile Plantation over the past three months.

Coming up with a list price based upon what is currently for sale is not recommended, as homes for sale may often suffer from delusional pricing.

Basing your listing price on what has SOLD in Haile Plantation over the past three months is a much more accurate reflection of what buyers are willing to pay.

About Coleen DeGroff